2024г: Abstaining from sex helps to improve physical performance, which is necessary during the period of sports.


Video How To Prevent Testicular Atrophy On TRT

The danger of testicular atrophy in men and methods of its treatment. Causes of varicocele. Is there a cure for varicocele in adults?. Sign up to the urological clinic for the treatment of varicocele with experienced urologists - andrologists in St. Petersburg 8 (800) 707-15-60.. Why testicular atrophy occurs and how to avoid it

Basic moments

Testicular atrophy (testicle) is one of the most serious diseases of the male reproductive system.

Normally, the size of the testicles reaches 17-18 cubic meters. cm. With atrophy, the dimensions can decrease to 6-8 cube. cm.

Complications may be irreversible for men's health. With atrophy, the testicles gradually decrease in size, leading to a catastrophic decrease in testosterone.

Testicular atrophy is dangerous because of the negative impact on the hormonal background, as it can provoke impotence and male infertility.

Atrophy may involve one or both testicles.

If the pathology affects one testicle, then it is easier for the patient to notice it by comparing the size of one egg with another.

However, in the early stage, atrophy may be little noticeable. In addition to size reduction, pathology has a lot of other symptoms.

When they talk about the presence of this pathology

In men, the normal volume of each testicle is on average 17-18 cm³. When it decreases to 6-8 cm³, atrophy is diagnosed. In the case of intermediate indicators, they speak of subatrophy or malnutrition.

The danger of testicular atrophy in men and methods of its treatment. - testicle, atrophy, male

It is important to understand that the atrophic process is not only a decrease in the external size of the testicles. The decrease in the volume of these glands occurs due to the disappearance of functionally active tissues

And with severe atrophy, the testicles almost entirely consist of connective tissue strands and empty vessels. In fact, only the stroma (base) remains of the organ, and the work of the remaining islands of glandular tissue, seminiferous tubules and vas deferens is unproductive and poorly coordinated.

Distinguish between atrophy and hypoplasia. The similarity between these 2 conditions lies in the small size of the testicles compared to the average age norm. But in the case of the first, the testicles were initially developed enough, even if they were in the wrong position. But hypoplasia is already present in a newborn boy due to insufficient growth of his gonads in the prenatal period. True, this condition is not always diagnosed in a timely manner.


With a man’s attentive attitude to his own health and early diagnosis, such a pathology can, if not prevented, then significantly slow down.

Pathology can be congenital or acquired, as well as primary or secondary. In the primary form of the disease, the problem lies in the inability of the testicles to produce sperm. Secondary atrophy is associated with problems in the production of sperm due to disorders in the brain (pituitary or hypothalamus).

Decreases may be related to:

  • their congenital absence or underdevelopment (non-omission or cryptorchidism);
  • using large doses of steroids;
  • x-ray exposure;
  • mechanical damage to the organs of the inguinal region;
  • neurological pathologies (with violations of the conduction of the spermatic cord or due to injuries in the lumbar spine);
  • complications after inflammation or viral infections (arbovirus, ECHO virus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, etc.).);
  • chronic malnutrition;
  • transferred infections (mumps, measles, syphilis, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, leprosy);
  • complicated diabetes mellitus;
  • obesity;
  • chronic intoxication (alcohol or drugs);
  • use of drugs (steroids or psychotropic substances).

The danger of testicular atrophy in men and methods of its treatment. - testicle, atrophy, male

Development of atrophy

What is the development of testicular atrophy of various types?

  1. Secondary atrophy due to inflammation, trauma, tumors or cysts occurs due to reduced production of male sex hormones (hypogonadism).
  2. Congenital causes occur during the development of the fetus. Cryptorchidism (undescended testicles or both) occurs in premature babies. In a mature fetus, the testicles descend from the abdominal cavity in a timely manner, which protects them from exposure to high temperatures. Prolonged stay in the abdominal cavity causes them to overheat.
  3. Disorders of innervation and blood circulation in these organs can lead to atrophy. "Jump" pathologies in this case can be varicocele (varicose testicular veins) or hydrocele (fluid accumulation). The pathology of the veins causes malnutrition of tissues and their overheating (due to excessive blood flow).
  4. The disease can also provoke stenosis (narrowing) of the testicular arteries. Such a pathology may occur due to squeezing of the arteries after various operations on the genital organ (more often on the scrotum or after plastic surgery of the inguinal rope). For example, torsion of the spermatic cord causes necrosis of tissues and leads to a decrease in the testicles.
  5. This ailment against the background of hormonal disorders occurs when taking drugs that suppress the production of androgens (for example, with prostate cancer).
  6. With 3-4 degrees of obesity (due to a decrease in testosterone). With excess fat in men, testosterone is replaced by estrogen. A decrease in testosterone occurs if the volume of the male waist exceeds 94 cm, becoming critical at a volume of 102 cm.
  7. Hormonal disruptions lead to a decrease in testicles in case of violations in the areas of the brain (pituitary gland or hypothalamus).
  8. There are frequent cases of testicular atrophy with uncontrolled use of steroids in professional athletes. These drugs slow down or completely stop the production of male sex hormones, contributing to the extinction of sexual function.

Natural physiological processes of reducing the size of the testicles and reducing the production of hormones are observed in male menopause (andropause) with the natural aging of the body.

Why does my stomach hurt when they hit the balls?

This question interests us all. Why, when they hit in the groin, it seems that a howitzer was shot in the stomach?

The reason is actually quite logical. Before they descend during development (embryogenesis), the testicles begin their long journey to glory near the kidneys. In the end, in the womb, they move from the kidney area down to the scrotum, and then - a long way of development and further exploitation.

The nerve endings of the testicles ascend to the places of their birth, that is, somewhere at the level of the kidneys. When you are hit on the same one, then the brain, which is ready to fall into a coma from such impudence (it’s necessary to hit the saint!), sends an impulse precisely to the abdominal cavity and makes you bend, and also lowers it to the muscles of the legs and tightens them. Pain in the groin can cause involuntary contractions of the abdominal muscles. Moreover, this pain is felt like a real pain in the abdominal cavity, while it is not.

Don’t be surprised - nature just couldn’t come up with normal protection for bells like strong muscles and bones, so it causes contractions so that you quickly bend down and don’t get a second star.

Although this monk clearly does not understand the essence of the problem. Over the years of training, his broken balls have grown a keratinized layer that protects from everything in the world, even from the wrath of God. But don't try to be the same! You need to learn this for twenty years and at the same time be absolutely crazy!

By the way, never hit a person in the "sacred purse". Firstly, it's vile - in our area they beat us for this. And secondly, it is fraught with testicular cancer and infertility. So don't ruin a man's life. And take care of your ringing bells of glory and honor!

Risk factors

Doctors have identified many factors that are predisposing in the development of this pathology of the male genital organs. At the same time, violations of the type can provoke this ailment:

  • vascular;
  • neurological;
  • endocrine;
  • inguinal hernia;
  • obesity;
  • erectile dysfunction.

All of the above diseases are associated with malnutrition of organs, leading to oxygen starvation of tissues and lack of important nutrients by the organs.

The danger of testicular atrophy in men and methods of its treatment. - testicle, atrophy, male

Sexual desire at different levels of this hormone

With increased secretion

A healthy man constantly wants sex - this is not a myth or prejudice, but the real state of affairs. Active androgen production makes you excited at home, at work, on vacation, where, at the sight of female features, the natural mechanism of excitation is activated.

Regardless of whether the partner is wearing clothes or not. The increased content of androgen also stimulates sexual excitement, in which a man is more willing to go for erotic experiments.

If it is below normal

The danger of testicular atrophy in men and methods of its treatment. - testicle, atrophy, male

Such a man is difficult to excite: Achieving a firm erection takes several, and sometimes a dozen minutes.

A weak sexual constitution also leads to specific behavior associated with the desire to avoid intimate contact.

Women who meet along the way of such a man usually do not arouse interest (spontaneous erections missing).

Such men often prefer masturbation to sex.


Atrophy can manifest itself in different ways, depending on whether this pathology is congenital or acquired. If the disorder is congenital, then symptoms appear already at puberty. In this case, patients may experience manifestations in the form of:

  • reduction in the size of the testicles and penis;
  • lack of facial hair;
  • reduced sex drive;
  • mood swings, weakness or fatigue;
  • weak erection or its absence;
  • dryness, pallor of the skin;
  • no voice mutation.

It is not uncommon for people with congenital testicular dysfunction to have disproportionately long limbs and accelerated growth.

With atrophy in adulthood, symptoms such as:

  • reduction in the size of the testicles;
  • violations of the ability to conceive;
  • decreased libido (up to to impotence);
  • raising the tone of voice;
  • breast enlargement (genicomastia);
  • feminization in the form of the appearance of external features characteristic of the female body - an increase in body weight, the location of body fat according to the female type (on the hips, chest), the disappearance of hair on the face, body;
  • psycho-emotional disorders in the form of mood swings, apathy, drowsiness, depression and physical fatigue;
  • weakening of the muscular frame, sagging of the pelvic organs.

Testicular atrophy will not always affect a man's sexual function. However, a violation of spermatogenesis reduces the fertility of a man, making conception even without any protection problematic.

Is it true that if you do not ... ejaculate for a long time, then you can become infertile?

Short answer: no.

Long answer: Lack of ejaculation can lead to short-term fertility problems. Spermatozoa are idle and clog your "gun" with their dead bodies.

There is no strong evidence that infrequent ejaculation reduces testicular function.

He also says that in order to rectify this situation, all you have to do is unload the clip (feel the cyclops, grunt at Brazzers - in short, you get it).

Your balls can be one hundred percent twisted, and this is not a joke. It seems as if they swim freely in a "leather bag of happiness", but in fact, such a nuisance as testicular torsion can happen to them.

Sometimes one testicle, due to its mobility and vigor, twists around its axis. After that, there is a sharp pain in the testicles and abdomen. Sometimes a torsion testicle is more likely to be higher than its normal position. In places, redness of the skin and an increase in its temperature may be observed. The body is so shocked by what is happening that it starts sending you hints in the form of vomiting.

Need to react quickly. Already after 6 hours, ischemic changes occur in the bell, and after 24 hours it may be quite late, and only a miracle, the Lord God and a talented urologist, by joining forces, can help you.

By the way, an interesting feature: in people who are born with three testicles (yes, this also happens! Touch, check - maybe where it got lost), twists happen several times more often.Usually this misfortune manifests itself in children during puberty, but the number of adults with twisted eggs is not as small as we would like. So watch them.


In order to diagnose testicular atrophy, it is enough for a man to contact a therapist who will refer the patient to the right doctor (urologist, endocrinologist or andrologist).

The diagnosis is made as a result of:

  • visual inspection;
  • collection of anamnesis;
  • palpation with the determination of their main characteristics (texture, size, various anomalies, pathological formations, etc.);
  • Ultrasound (transabdominal or rectal) of the prostate, scrotum and other pelvic organs to exclude varicocele, cysts, dropsy of the testicle;
  • general and biochemical blood tests to exclude inflammation in the body;
  • general urine analysis;
  • STD detection test;
  • hormone tests (testosterone, estrogen, prolactin);
  • blood test for tumor markers;
  • spermograms to obtain information about the patient's fertility (atrophy is characterized by a decrease in the volume of seminal fluid and a deterioration in sperm motility);
  • CT or MRI;
  • biopsy.

Usually, testicular atrophy is easy to detect already on the basis of a visual examination, in which one can see a decrease in the size of the testicles. In this case, the severity of symptoms indicates the degree of neglect of the pathology.

On palpation, the consistency of the organ usually attracts attention: it becomes flabby and wrinkled, like a bag without contents. The final diagnosis is made on the basis of abnormalities in the spermogram.

All of the above symptoms are more pronounced with an increase in atrophic processes in patients. In this case, a change in one testicle can subsequently spread to the second.

At the same time, a decrease in testicular function will be well reflected in the spermogram.

Before puberty, atrophy is most often bilateral and often leads to eunuchoidism, when, in addition to underdevelopment of the genital organs, there is body obesity and skeletal disproportion.

Atrophy of the left testicle is especially dangerous. This location of the pathology can be observed in oncological processes. Prolonged overheating in the abdominal cavity can be the impetus for this.

Why testicles can be of different sizes

Testicles are like snowflakes: no two are the same. And they are always slightly different in size. According to Dr. Steischleiger, your beans are actually likely to be different. If you notice small changes in size, then there is nothing to worry about - do not find fault with them. It's just how your body develops.

As a rule, the testicles are different in size, as are the legs.

However, there are times when they are too uneven, and they must be taken to the doctor. And it's not about size, but very obvious changes in shape, or when you're 30 and your testicle grows by leaps and bounds. Then you need not just go, but fly to the doctor - suddenly there is inflammation, a consequence of an injury, infection, a hernia. So every time you pull your scrotum, pay attention to the condition of the bells. Matsai without hesitation, but purely for the sake of your health.

In most cases, especially if the difference in size is not very significant, this is quite normal. It is not a pathology and should not cause concern. In some people, one testicle may even be significantly larger for an unknown benign cause. You can also highlight a number of other reasons that could affect the different size.

  • In the presence of a varicocele (expansion of certain veins inside the scrotum), the nutrition of the testicle is disturbed, as a result of which the left (most often) may be smaller due to its atrophy. Lack of treatment threatens male infertility.
  • If it was undescended at birth (retained in the abdominal cavity), even despite corrective surgery.
  • When there was intrauterine or infantile testicular torsion.
  • The consequences of mumps.
  • Testicular cancer - malignant tumors that can develop in different tissues of the gonads.
  • Cyst - a formation (a cavity with fluid) in the tissues inside the scrotum, which can be asymptomatic for a long time. It usually appears in the area of ​​the appendage.
  • Benign tumor - rare and slowly developing, increases the risk of developing cancer.

In the process of sexual development in a child, sometimes the testicles may differ in size, but by the end of this period they will equalize if everything is normal.


It is important to start treatment for testicular atrophy as early as possible, since this pathological process is not always reversible. Therefore, contacting a doctor is extremely important at the very first suspicion of a decrease in testicles, a decrease in libido, or a deterioration in fertility.

The chance to maintain full reproductive function is high in the initial phase of the disease. Launched pathologies are irreversible.

The choice of drugs depends on the cause that triggered the onset of the disease. The main directions of treatment of this pathology are conservative and surgical methods.

A conservative method is to improve blood circulation and restore the trophism of the pelvic organs (for example, with varicocele). For this, drugs are often used in the form of:

  • Pentoxifylline;
  • Trental;
  • Actovegina.

If the cause of the pathology is an atherosclerotic change in blood vessels with parallel hypotrophy of the testicles, then antiplatelet agents (drugs to reduce blood viscosity) must be used during therapy. These drugs are Trental, Aspirin-cardio, Thrombo-ASS, Curantil. These drugs provide oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the testicles, combating circulatory disorders and tissue trophism.

Correction of neuroregulatory function (to restore neurovascular regulation) is carried out using drugs based on galantamine (Nivalin et al.)

The danger of testicular atrophy in men and methods of its treatment. - testicle, atrophy, male

Harm and benefits of abstinence

Short-term abstinence increases testosterone levels and increase sexual performance. The accumulation of energy is associated with the accumulation of a large amount of sperm, which, with frequent contacts - more often than 1 time in 3 days - is not restored by 100%.

Notable studies:

  • J Zhejiang Univ Science (2003). With abstinence for up to 7 days, the hormonal level increases by 145%, and then takes on the usual values. Significantly drops after a month.
  • New Scientist (2011). Abstaining from sex helps to improve physical performance, which is necessary during the period of sports. The optimal time for not having sex is 3 days.

After a month of no intimacy and onanism, androgenic levels can reach the levels diagnosed in children who have not yet entered the puberty phase.

Watch a video on this topic:


With complete testicular atrophy, drug treatment will not be effective. In this case, the surgical removal of the organ (orchiectomy) is used. After that, prosthetics of the removed testicle is usually performed with implantation of an implant made of silicone or plastic into it. After an orchiectomy, a man can become infertile. However, most often, the removal of one testicle allows a man to fully preserve his sexual function, and often full fertility.

To maintain sexual activity in men after testicular surgery, hormone therapy is used (to maintain testosterone levels).

Doctors try to avoid removal of both testicles, as this process will be irreversible.

Removal of both testicles leads to lack of male sex hormones and eunuchoidism. In some cases, the surgical method is the only one to save the patient. However, even with the complete removal of the testicles, there are ways to normalize the patient's well-being due to properly selected drug treatment and subsequent rehabilitation.

False cryptorchidism in boys and adult men: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Cryptorchidism can be described as the most common of congenital ailments. But it is important to distinguish true cryptorchidism, dangerous for its consequences for a man's health and his ability to be a father, from false. The latter is absolutely safe and does not require therapy.

  • 1 False cryptorchidism
  • 2 reasons
  • 3 Symptoms and diagnosis
  • 4 Treatment

False cryptorchidism

False cryptorchidism in medicine is called a feature of the structure of the male reproductive system, when one thing, which happens less often, the testicles do not go down, but migrate along the inguinal path.

To understand what the peculiarity of the pathology is, it is necessary to consider how the normal process of formation of these organs proceeds in male children.

The testicles are formed when the fetus is in the mother's womb, at 12 weeks of the prenatal period. They form in the abdomen, in the inguinal tract, and immediately before delivery, the testicles descend into the scrotum.

The presence of the testicles outside the peritoneum is due to the importance of maintaining a lower temperature than inside the peritoneum for spermogenesis. Because the testicle descends through the inguinal ring down. When this does not happen, there is every reason to diagnose cryptorchidism, but when the testicle appears in the scrotum for a while, and then migrates up the canal, the disease is called false cryptorchidism.


Cryptorchidism is a phenomenon whose etiology cannot be fully understood.

At least three hypotheses have been voiced to explain the development factors of both true and false cryptorchidism:

  • endocrine imbalance of the mother during the period of gestation;
  • reduction in the diameter of the ducts of the sex glands;
  • improper development of the ligament responsible for the descent of the testicles into the scrotum.

Considering false cryptorchidism, you need to understand that it does not act as an ailment, therefore it is more appropriate to talk about the physiological factors of the manifestation of false cryptorchidism: expansion of the groin canal ring, testicular hypotrophy, anomalies in the formation of the muscle that lowers the testicle into the scrotum.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The prevailing symptom of cryptorchidism, which acts as a diagnostic factor, is the temporary absence of the testicles in the scrotum. When making a diagnosis, it is extremely important to distinguish a true ailment, when the testicle never goes down, from a false one, that is, if it migrates.

To do this, the physician conducts an external examination and palpation of the organ.

You also need to get information from the mother, if the patient is at the appropriate age, or from the man himself, about whether the testicle descends or not.

With false cryptorchidism at rest, it tends to be present in the scrotum, and with emotional arousal, increased muscle tone, or at low temperatures, it rises.

To determine whether cryptorchidism is true or false, you need to visit a urologist and do an ultrasound.


Unlike true cryptorchidism, false cryptorchidism does not require therapy. As the boy grows older, the testicles will become heavier and increase in size, that is, they cannot physically pass through the inguinal ring up the canal. This happens in most cases.

And only in a small percentage of cases, the disease does not go away, but remains in adult men. But even after reaching the age of 18, false cryptorchidism does not need therapy: the fact of testicular migration does not cause discomfort or pain, and also does not affect fertility. Therefore, the operation for false cryptorchidism is not performed.

It is important to know that any methods of treatment offered by traditional medicine specialists, masseurs, healers are useless and even dangerous. Massage and gymnastics are excellent methods of rehabilitation, they are recommended after surgery, but given that this intervention is not indicated for false cryptorchidism, it is not advisable to use them.

Thus, the observation of a newborn with cryptorchidism by a surgeon is necessary, first of all, in order to exclude the risk of a true illness.


What happens if testicular atrophy is not treated?? In this case, the pathological process will be aggravated and can lead to:

  • organ dysfunction;
  • sexual disorders;
  • testicular pain;
  • impotence;
  • to violation of sexual development (with pathology in adolescence).

Testicular atrophy can lead to serious disorders of men's health. Early diagnosis of this disease allows the patient to preserve their genital organs and their full function. It is especially important to identify the pathology of the testicles in boys before puberty: with the timely start of treatment, they grow up as healthy men, can have a family and are able to conceive offspring.

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  • Atrophy of the testicles (hypogonadism) and penis (kraurosis) - pathological disorders that are accompanied by a decrease in male testicles and penis in size. This is fraught with a decrease in erectile functions and a violation of the production of seminal fluid. If the violation is not detected in a timely manner, then there is a high probability of developing dangerous complications. A man who carries the disease can stay barren forever. This is due to the fact that this disease in advanced cases is irreversible. What is it and what treatment is provided by medicine, consider below.

Clinical picture

Although testicular size disorder is already considered a clinical sign, the problem can be further complicated by other symptoms that negatively affect the patient's condition.

In the case when one testicle in a man differs in size from the other, the following symptoms occur:

  • difficulties with the process of urination, which can be seen by a change in the intensity of the jet;
  • sexual functions change;
  • infertility occurs;
  • disease in the scrotum, which has spread to the entire inguinal region;
  • the appearance of signs of gynecomastia: an increase in the mammary glands (just like in a woman), the release of white fluid from the nipples;
  • malformations of internal organs that appear with chromosomal changes;
  • severe, aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • distribution of pain in the back;
  • difficulties with erectile function;
  • ejaculate can be detected in the urine (there is an admixture of sperm in the urine);
  • there is heaviness and discomfort in the scrotum, which only increase when walking or sitting for a long time;
  • swelling of the scrotum begins, it changes color;
  • solid areas appear in the testicle, which can be felt with self-palpation.

It is important to remember that the described symptoms are not all. The manifestations of pathology in each case will be completely individual.

Description of symptoms and signs

The main reason for the development of atrophic processes is atherosclerosis. Identification of this pathology most often occurs only after the plaques reach a significant size. Atherosclerosis provokes testicular atrophy and leads to the fact that the genital organ also atrophies. Symptoms in this case must be determined as early as possible, which avoids serious consequences.

Atrophy has a number of distinguishing features

Signs of atrophy of the testicles and penis are quite peculiar. In the congenital form of the disease, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Testicles and penis are small.
  2. No facial and pubic hair.
  3. No vocal changes.
  4. The man is not sexually attracted.
  5. Erections are weak or non-existent.
  6. Weakness and mood swings.
  7. The skin is pale and dry, as in the photo.

In this case, a high rate of growth and formation of the lower limbs can be observed. Legs look disproportionately long.

If we talk about the acquired form of the disease, then we should highlight such signs of testicular atrophy as the attenuation of libido, fertility and breast enlargement.

Around the hips in men there is an accumulation of fat deposits, which makes them look like women. Hair on the body disappears and deformation of muscle structures occurs. The voice becomes a tone higher, weakness appears and sharp mood swings are noted. Testicular insufficiency gradually increases. As the symptoms become more pronounced. Testicular atrophy can be determined by any doctor during the initial diagnosis.

Symptoms of the disease

As a rule, atrophic processes that develop in the scrotum do not have pronounced symptoms. Some men suffering from this pathology noted that they had weakness, apathy, and a decrease in sexual desire. A characteristic sign of problems with the reproductive system is a change in the constitution of the body of a representative of the strong half of humanity. It can acquire feminine features - for example, the chest increases slightly, the pelvis expands, muscle dystrophy occurs.

All this is due to the fact that atrophy causes disturbances in the production of the main male hormone - testosterone. The lower its level, the less the patient feels that he belongs to the stronger sex. In addition, it is also guaranteed to provoke a decrease in the production of seminal fluid - every man will be able to notice this after intercourse.

The danger of testicular atrophy in men and methods of its treatment. - testicle, atrophy, male

As the pathology develops, a change in the structure of the testicle occurs, which can be determined both with the help of palpation and visually (in especially advanced cases). There is a decrease not only in the testicles themselves, but also in the scrotum. When probing, their flabbiness and unexpectedly small size are felt.

Diagnosis of the disease at an early stage of development is carried out using a semen analysis. This method is especially relevant when it comes to unilateral atrophy. Spermogram will show a significant decrease in the number of spermatozoa. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the testicles are a paired organ, that is, they function interconnectedly. Therefore, if atrophic processes are present on one testicle, this is guaranteed to affect the functionality of the other.

Symptoms of testicular atrophy are also expressed in a change in the psycho-emotional state of the patient. Over time, he begins to feel his inferiority, like men, which hits his psyche very hard. Characterized by constant depression, irritability, development of sustained stress. All this can lead to the appearance of various diseases of the body, provoked precisely by stress.

Therapy for pathology

Before taking any measures for pathologies such as atrophy of the penis or testicles, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out. Ultrasound and spermogram are prescribed. These research procedures allow you to get a complete picture of pathological disorders in the body and prescribe an effective treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and the symptoms of ongoing dysfunctions.

If their cause is atherosclerosis of the vessels, then the following treatment is carried out:

If atrophy is detected, drug treatment is possible

  • Drug therapy (ascorbic acid, vitamin B12, folic acid, Litenol, Arachiden, Gonadotropin). Measures are taken to stabilize metabolic processes and blood pressure. Drugs are prescribed to prevent rapid blood clotting and loosening of cholesterol deposits. Medicines to prevent blockage of blood vessels should be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Surgical correction. Performed when doctors discover a blocked artery supplying the left or right testicle. The operation involves the removal of the plaque itself or excision of the entire problem area. This allows you to eliminate pathological disorders completely.
  • If the violations are caused by the death of the tissues of the penis, then it becomes necessary to prescribe hormones that restore its functions. X-rays and Bucca rays prevent the development of malignant tumors. In advanced cases, there is a need for an operation.

    The operation involves the removal of upper tissues affected by foci of kraurosis. Treatment is carried out only after the study is completed and the results are received. If there is a predisposition to cancer, a consultation of specialists is needed, which is carried out periodically.

    If testicular atrophy occurs with varicocele, then there is a need to correct this violation. Expansion of venous structures requires surgical intervention in case of pain in the right or left testicle, infertility and the presence of an aesthetic defect. The operation is carried out in several ways:

    Varicocele requires surgery

    1. open. Surgeons tie off the veins of the affected testicle above the level of the ring in the area of ​​the inguinal canal. The skin is dissected in the iliac structures.
    2. Marmar. The incision is made in the area of ​​the external inguinal canal. After ligation of the supplying ovarian vein, blood flows out through the system of surface structures. This prevents atrophy from starting or helps eliminate initial dysfunctions.
    3. Endoscopic. Instruments are inserted through small incisions in the skin. A brace is placed over the veins to stop blood flow in the area.
    4. Revascularization. It makes it possible to cope with the onset of the pathology without removing the testicles. Surgical manipulations contribute to the restoration of normal blood flow by transplanting the testicular vein into the epigastric.

    Video Testicular Atrophy - On Testosterone Ep. 3

    After varicocele surgery, there is a need to eliminate existing complications. In the early stages of the development of atrophy, gonadotropin is prescribed. Drug therapy is aimed at eliminating the primary causes of dysfunction and correcting existing symptoms. Gonadotropin restores the natural functions of the male reproductive system. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. Gonadotropin should be prescribed by an experienced specialist after a comprehensive examination.

    When tissue is destroyed, if gonadotropin does not give a result, it becomes necessary to carry out amputation. After removal of the varicocele, radical surgery is performed. Dysfunction of the male genital area occurs due to the removed testicle. But in some cases, men's health has to be neglected in order to avoid the development of complications such as testicular cancer.

    After the testicle is removed, it becomes necessary to use a cosmetic implant. This allows you to restore the shape of the scrotum. If only one testicle is excised, then the testicles of the second can take over the production of a sufficient amount of hormones to maintain erectile function and the whole organism.

    What to do

    Men react differently to pain in the testicles during and after sex: some endure to the last and hope that it will go away on its own, while others panic with slight pain discomfort. Consider the list of indications for emergency care:

    • appeared pain in the testicles does not disappear some time after sex;
    • pain manifestations intensify and are localized in the groin on the right;
    • there were external changes in the scrotum: swelling, hyperemia or cyanosis;
    • acute pain syndrome develops when the pain in the testicles is unbearable.

    In other cases, a scheduled visit to a urologist or andrologist is shown to identify the cause and select the necessary therapeutic measures. It will take relatively little time and will allow you to get rid of pain discomfort in the testicles during sex.

    After sex, pain in the testicles may appear for physiological reasons (long abstinence), but more often pain discomfort provokes a pathological process. In order to timely detect pathology and avoid problems in the genital area, men are advised not to ignore the condition that has arisen, but to undergo an examination and cure the cause of the violations that have arisen.

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    Often, men experience discomfort and pain in the scrotum and testicles during sex. Do not be afraid of this, as the reasons for this can be completely harmless. Sometimes discomfort occurs in the testicles after prolonged arousal or from prolonged abstinence, or for another physiological reason. But still there are doubts and fears, you can consult a doctor so that after the diagnosis a specialist will recommend how to properly eliminate discomfort, and, possibly, its consequences.

    Causes of testicular shrinkage

    Normally, the size of the male testicle reaches seventeen to eighteen cubic centimeters. With pathology, this figure is only six centimeters. The main symptom of the disease is dysfunction of the genital organs or a partial loss of their working capacity. Almost all patients complain of lack of libido, impotence and depression.

    The danger of testicular atrophy in men and methods of its treatment. - testicle, atrophy, male

    Reasons for shrinking testicles fall into two categories:

    PrimaryComplicated pregnancy with severe toxicosis or exacerbation of chronic diseases
    Infections in a pregnant woman
    Exposure of the fetus to poisons, chemicals and drugs during organ formation
    Genetic diseases
    SecondaryComplications after viral infections
    Genital injuries
    Inflammatory processes
    Diseases transmitted during sex
    dropsy of the testicles
    Undescended testicle into the scrotum
    Exposure to radiation
    Tumors of the male gonads
    Excessive use of hormonal drugs or anabolics

    It is very important to establish the exact reason why the testicles have decreased - the tactics of treatment and the quality of life of the patient depend on this.

    Preventive measures

    When determining the degree of health of a man, the size of the testicles is of particular importance. To prevent the risk of the main symptom, primary and secondary prevention should be carried out.

    Primary prevention should be carried out at the time of childbearing. For the mother, it includes the following measures:

    • lead a correct lifestyle, monitor your activity;
    • make the right diet without food harmful to the body;
    • start taking medicines only if necessary and as prescribed by the attending physician;
    • it is important to eliminate all infectious and pathological diseases even in the early stages of pregnancy;
    • it is important to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist often - diagnostics help to timely identify various processes and anomalies in the body of a woman and a developing child and immediately begin to get rid of the problem.

    Secondary prevention measures, already for men themselves, include:

    • prevention of various injuries and damage to the scrotum;
    • frequent trips to the urologist for examination;
    • timely treatment of pathological diseases of the genitourinary system;
    • prevention of radiation exposure to the body.

    How does testicular atrophy manifest in men?

    Signs of the disease can be detected independently: the skin of the scrotum sags and becomes flabby, and the testicle is noticeably smaller. Content completely disappears or shrinks. Sexual desire disappears and intercourse ceases. The man becomes depressed, falls into depression.

    If the testicles atrophy in young men, a significant change in figure is possible. It becomes similar to the female, which is associated with a deficiency of testosterone and an increase in the amount of estrogen. The hairline thins, and the mammary glands increase. Death of tissue cells is possible - in this case, immediate medical attention is required, otherwise castration and loss of reproductive function cannot be avoided.

    In older people, the disease manifests itself with symptoms such as decreased libido, breast enlargement, disappearance of muscles and body hair, and accumulation of fat around the thighs. In addition, there is a sharp change in mood and general malaise. The more the testicles are reduced, the more pronounced the symptoms. When the first signs of the disease appear, you should consult a specialist. With timely treatment, you can save a full life.

    Prognosis and possible complications from testicular enlargement

    Testicular enlargement is one of the symptoms of the disease. The level of consequences of treatment depends on the nature and complexity of the disease, the method of treatment and timely seeking medical help.

    Possible Complications

    It is necessary to know that any change in the size of the testicle, the appearance of pain, rapid swelling of the testes, discoloration are pathological processes. Lack of medical treatment and untimely seeking help from a specialist is fraught with serious consequences.

    If left untreated, there is a high risk of complications, such as:

    - loss of reproductive function (infertility);

    - destruction of tissue cells and the occurrence of necrosis;

    – changes in the properties of the skin;

    - the occurrence of problems with blood circulation;

    - increase in general body temperature;

    - the appearance of intoxication of the body (nausea and vomiting);

    – the spread of a viral, fungal or bacterial infection throughout the body.


    Currently, there are no effective measures that guarantee an absolute recovery. Therapy is carried out in the presence of factors that cause tissue death. It can be infectious diseases, inflammation, testicular injury or torsion. The treatment regimen depends on the cause of the development of pathology.

    If the eggs began to decrease due to hormonal failure in the body, the doctor prescribes appropriate therapy. When the cause of the disease is a violation of blood flow, an operation is performed. Antiviral drugs are used to fight infectious diseases. Modern medicines allow you to normalize the nutrition and blood supply to the genital organs.

    With bilateral atrophy, replacement therapy with male sex hormones is required. Such treatment should only be prescribed by an experienced and qualified andrologist. In some cases, some success can be achieved - the development of secondary sexual characteristics in boys and the restoration of potency in men.

    The danger of testicular atrophy in men and methods of its treatment. - testicle, atrophy, male

    • Surgical intervention

    If long-term therapy does not work, the doctor decides to extract the organ. Otherwise, the risk of developing malignant neoplasms increases significantly. Testicular atrophy, which is constantly progressing, does not respond to treatment.

    Removal is a cardinal, but effective method of solving the problem. If the disease has affected one testicle, after its removal, a prosthesis is installed. Thanks to this, it is possible to preserve the aesthetic appearance of male organs. A healthy egg will secrete seminal fluid and this is enough for a full sexual life and conception of children.

    Alternative medicine practices its methods of treating the disease. The following recipes are the most popular:

    1. Decoction of wormwood - raw materials are brewed and drunk all day.
    2. Pomegranate or pomegranate juice - consume daily.
    3. Carrot juice with mummy - the mixture must be drunk for a month.
    4. Plantain seeds - contain a lot of valuable substances and phytohormones. They are steamed for ten minutes, then filtered and drunk for about a week. After such treatment, male strength is restored.
    5. Quince juice - taken fresh on an empty stomach.

    The danger of testicular atrophy in men and methods of its treatment. - testicle, atrophy, male

    • Hirudotherapy

    At an early stage, testicular atrophy can be cured with leeches. They are applied to the groin area to suck out blood. This releases the enzyme hirudin, which prevents blood from clotting. As a result, blood supply improves significantly, and oxygen and other valuable substances enter the testicles. A course of ten such procedures helps to improve potency and stop the progression of the disease.

    The appearance of epididymitis

    Currently, this disease is quite common in men. The inflammatory process in the testicle can begin as a result of a complication of a previous disease (flu or tonsillitis). It is for this reason that it is so important to be treated for colds and viral diseases. Most often, epididymitis occurs as a result of tuberculosis, gonorrhea and syphilis.

    Symptoms of inflammation of the appendages: pain in the scrotum, which only gets worse when walking, redness of the skin in the groin area, fever. To accurately identify the disease, you need to undergo a full study and pass the appropriate tests. Doctors prescribe bed rest and complete rest for the patient, as well as prescribe analgesics, antibiotics and physiotherapy measures.

    In the process of treatment, the patient is prohibited from any, even minimal, physical activity, exposure to the sun and hypothermia, the use of a large amount of smoked, fatty and spicy food. It is important to include more healthy foods, vegetables, fruits, fish and boiled meat in the diet.


    To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first detection of alarming symptoms. In this case, it is possible to preserve the integrity of the organ. Lifestyle is important. First of all, change your diet. It must be rational and contain a sufficient amount of minerals and trace elements.

    Atrophy can be prevented by avoiding the use of steroids and hormonal drugs. Testicles may shrink due to unstable sex life. In this case, the only thing that can be done is to normalize sexual relations.

    With complete atrophy of the organ, a man is threatened with infertility. As a result, depression and other psychological problems may appear. The removal of one egg does not affect the patient's health, and the introduction of a prosthesis helps him lead a full life.

    Testicular atrophy is an unpleasant disease that can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, with any changes in the functioning of the genital organs, you should visit a doctor. Timely medical care will help stop the development of the disease.

    First you need to understand how the testicles are arranged and what is their function

    The structural features of the male body imply the presence of a scrotum with testicles. Testicles or testicles - responsible for the production of germ cells and male hormones. Under the influence of the latter, special processes are formed in the body of a man.

    The danger of testicular atrophy in men and methods of its treatment. - testicle, atrophy, male

    The structure of the testicle

    Thanks to their action, a man acquires characteristic features that distinguish him from a woman. The testicles are also called the paired gonads.

    The testicles are protected by the scrotum. The scrotum looks like a leather pouch. It maintains a temperature slightly below normal body temperature. This provides favorable conditions for the production of sperm and testosterone. Violations in the work of the gonads leads to sad consequences - infertility.

    USEFUL INFORMATION: Exit from artificial menopause after an unsuccessful IVF cryo protocol on the blockade of Decapeptyl 3.75

    Is there a relationship between it and penis size?

    Androgens partially influence the formation of the penis and testicles: intrauterine development associated with insufficient testosterone production leads to slow growth of the genital organs.

    The danger of testicular atrophy in men and methods of its treatment. - testicle, atrophy, male

    Already after birth, until the onset of sexual development, the size of the penis remains unchanged - from 2.5 to 6 centimeters, but then it actively grows.

    If there are diseases in the body that block the production of a healthy amount of male hormone, then the length of the penis will be less than with a healthy hormonal background.

    The minimum growth of the penis is observed in the period from 18 to 25 years - in these years, the intensity of androgen production does not play a decisive role, and after overcoming this age range, testosterone completely loses the ability to influence the growth of the organ (the dimensions subsequently remain unchanged).

    A deceptive reduction in size occurs when extra pounds appear, which cause the legs and groin to become overgrown with adipose tissue. Such a visual reduction is not associated with a real reduction in the penis in size.

    Penis size estimation (European system):

    1. norm - from 12 to 17 cm;
    2. small penis - less than 12 cm;
    3. micro-member - less than 10 cm.

    Due to physiological characteristics in the countries of Southeast Asia penis length less than whites. For this reason, for citizens of Asian countries, there is another gradation that allows a reduction in the bar by 2–3 cm from those stated above.

    More than normal penis sizes in Latin America, primarily Venezuela, Brazil and Colombia. In these countries, men also have a more violent temperament, which is a manifestation of an increased level of androgen in the blood.

    How masturbation affects the amount of this substance?

    Does masturbation lower testosterone production?? Compared to intimacy, masturbation has a similar effect of increasing testosterone levels in the blood. Substitutive satisfaction is recommended for men who do not have a sexual partner. The safe frequency of masturbation is 2-3 times a week. Sperm ejection helps prevent the above-mentioned consequences associated with abstinence.

    Undesirable Masturbation Behavior:

    1. prolonged self-satisfaction (more than 20 minutes);
    2. The danger of testicular atrophy in men and methods of its treatment. - testicle, atrophy, male

      long and frequent onanism without ejaculation;

    3. refusal to masturbate with a strong desire.

    As for masturbation for pornography, there is a danger of addiction that complicates sexual intercourse.

    The habit of having pleasure under more powerful video stimulation causes "sexual anorexia" - the effect of insufficient arousal when intimacy with a real partner. This leads to withdrawal and depression, which significantly inhibit androgen synthesis.

    However, porn products can have a positive effect if used carefully. Contemplation of erotic content, according to many studies, without ejaculation leads to a significant increase in testosterone.

    This method can be used as a method to warm up feelings before sexual contact, although you should not overdo it with porn videos. Prolonged blood flow to the genitals without discharge leads to congestion that accompanies the development prostatitis and rectal problems.

    How does it change before and after sex?

    Sexual arousal leads to a significant increase in androgen before intercourse, and after ejaculation - a slight drop. During an act of love, concentrations are maintained at an elevated level, allowing you to remain active for a long time.

    Due to the production of the hormone prolactin after ejaculation, mental activity is suppressed, so after the act, many guys experience an unbridled desire to fall asleep or at least rest. There is no need to be afraid - the normalization of the hormonal background occurs within a couple of hours after intimacy.

    A change of scenery, a business trip and going on vacation significantly increase testosterone production. The reason is the subconscious activation of the reproductive system of the body, which perceives changes as conditions for the likely struggle and fertilization of "females".

    Video Most efficient Herbal remedy to recover from (testicular atrophy)


    The danger of testicular atrophy in men and methods of its treatment. - testicle, atrophy, male

    The danger of testicular atrophy in men and methods of its treatment. - testicle, atrophy, male

    The danger of testicular atrophy in men and methods of its treatment. - testicle, atrophy, male

    The danger of testicular atrophy in men and methods of its treatment. - testicle, atrophy, male

    Botanische Zeichnungen und ihre Rolle in der Entwicklung der Menschheit.
    На задней поверхности полового члена крайняя плоть соединяется с головкой продольной складкой, называемой уздечкой (лат.



    Can I ask a question? How much water should be in the hydropump during a procedure? My flask is almost full. What affects the amount of water? How many times a set do I need to press on the vacuum? The thing is that I got a full pump of water and began to vacuum. I felt like my penis filled with blood, and then it weakens. Do I need to increase the pressure again? Thanks.

    Paul Already bought

    The pump should be completely full of water. Yes, of course, you need to increase the pressure. It weakens because your penis expands. Compress the corrugation, and the pressure will increase.

    HYDROMAX - X30

    Hello! I’ve been using a pump for seven months. I have hydromax-30. When I first started, my penis was 16 cm, according to the scale. Now it’s 17.5, but it gets to 18 sometimes. I noticed about 0.5 cm of growth every two weeks. For the last month, it has stopped growing. 1. Could it be possible that I’ve reached my limit? Or maybe I pressed the corrugation too hard? Does it matter if I press the pump 3 or 6 times? 2. Or maybe I simply need the larger size, like the 40th model?

    Fred Already bought

    Good day! We recommend that you add jelqing exercises to your training sessions. If there aren’t any traumas, swelling, and erecting is great during sex, then you’re doing everything correctly. Add the jelqing exercises, and you will see the additional changes. You shouldn’t change the pump yet. The decrease in growth is normal. The body’s resources are restricted, but we are sure that you haven’t used yours up yet. It’s normal to get used to the loads. Thanks for your message. Right us back when you have any questions.


    Hello, after using the Bathmate, my skin expands a lot under the bridle. It’s swelling up a lot more than the penis itself. Is it normal? It seems so swollen!

    Mike Already bought

    Reduce the number of sets or vacuum pressure to avoid such swelling. If you’re overusing the pump, take a few days of rest and when you begin again, take shorter sessions.


    Hi guys! Does anyone have two pump versions, the regular one, and the xtreme? Is there any difference between them? Also, my penis doesn’t want to grow much in length. I only added 2 cm, but my diameter has increased a lot. Condoms roll back tighter, plus the insert by the end of the session is a little tight. According to the manufacturer's recommendations, I must get the x7. Right now, with a maximum pressing, its 17.5 cm, but it’s a bit too tight. Is it time to get the x9?

    Arthur Already bought

    I want to share my experience, and maybe it will be useful for somebody. The essence of active growth is overcoming. If your penis is 17 cm today, you need to reach 17.2 in the bathtub and don’t leave the tub until you get that! Then you fixate this result for 1-2 weeks. Don’t exit your bathroom until you get that 17.2. Then you will start noticing that 17.2 is getting too easy. You’re reaching this number in a first set. Next time do it until you’re 17.3-17.4 cm. That is how we grow. Also, check your hormones. If your testosterone is low, you can start taking Omnadren or Sustanon. They are substitutes for testosterone. Next, check your pump. If you can afford it, get the Xtreme. If you can’t, do the following: pump with a Hydromax to the edge (this advice isn’t for the beginners), then while you’re in the bathtub, push your pelvis forward. Your penis will lengthen a bit, press on the Hydromax, and you will be able to let some more water out of it, fixating this penis length. Pull your pelvis backward (to a normal position), and you will feel true vacuum! )) You can tilt the pump and stretch the ligament. Tilt ahead of you. Pull the pump away from yourself. Anyway, it’s a fight for the extra millimeters. It’s training. You don’t just put on the pump, yawn, and you’re done. Yes, it will still grow if you’re in a passive mode, but mine grew for 2 cm, and then the growing stopped! I started coming up with ideas, and the ice started moving! Good luck to you all!

    Alex Already bought

    Alex, thank you for your advice! You’re a true professional!


    How many times a week, and for how long should I use the pump?


    Hello! Intensive training: 15 minutes a day, 3 sets at 5 minutes each, 5 days a week, during a 6 week period. The result may be up to 30% of volume and length as a whole. It depends on the individual specialties of the body. Maintaining training: 2-3 times a week with three sets at 5 minutes each. With regular training, you will get 2-3 cm of growth within a year. This result is permanent.


    I decided to leave feedback about the hydropumps because I see that users aren’t very active at posting reviews. Maybe someone will reply with their experience and techniques in the use of hydropumps. So, I have two pumps: Hydromax 7 and Xtreme 9. In February, I purchased the Hydromax, and one week later, I knew that it was getting too small in diameter. I guess I underestimated my measurements. I like the result, so I decided to get a larger and more powerful pump. Now I only pump with the Xtreme 9. In a matter of six months, I have the following results: 1. I added 2.5 cm to my length right after I started using the pump. 2. If I stop using the pump for 2-3 days, I keep about 1.5 cm that was added. I am hoping that it will continue to grow as it does now. I understand that at some point, the growing process will slow down, but I sure don’t want to slow down. Theoretically, I saw some very big enlargements by pumps over the internet, so I am hoping that in a year or two, I will be getting the xtreme 11.

    Omar Already bought

    I purchased a pump to solve my manhood problems. I’m warning you - it’s going to be a long story. I have prostates for over 1.5 years now. I caught a cold once and started peeing a lot. My urination flow got weak, and the bladder wouldn’t get empty. I had to strain myself, but it still felt like I didn’t finish urinating. Plus, in about 3-4 months, I started experiencing slight pain during urination, and my erection got weaker. I am only 31 years old, you guys! I went to see the urologist twice. He didn’t find any viruses or infections. It’s just those darn consequences of a cold (by the way, take good care of yourself and train your body to cold temperatures). Pills, suppositories (Prostatilen, Polioksidoniy), and sessions with a magnet didn’t help. When I came in for the second time, the doctor prescribed the same thing, and I knew that it wasn’t going to help me. By the way, my doctor didn’t recommend a pump. I did some research over the internet and read that hydropump is the best device for treating male problems and other issues. Also, I learned that it increases the size and volume of the penis. I wouldn’t say I needed that, but why not? ) Anyway, I was researching for a long time, and then I found a post about a hydropump. It wasn’t an advertisement but an actual post, describing which hydropump is better. They said that Hydromax hydropump was the best. I found this website – they are the official suppliers. It took me a while to find them. Anyway, I don’t think it’s too expensive (there are many options on the website), plus this hydropump lasts for many years. It recovers my health, that’s all I have to say. RESULTS: It’s been 6 days since I started using it (I use it every day). I noticed the effect after the first session! It felt as if stagnation started to go away. I stopped running to the restroom so often, my urination flow became stronger, and I began to empty my bladder. And the pain is gone! The results are unreal! I mean, I’ve been suffering for 1.5 years, and I just started using the pump! I understand that results will get even better the more I use it! Plus, my penis will get more substantial, and my overall male health will improve! Anyway, thanks for reading till the end! I am so grateful to this company and especially Mary, who were so kind in providing detailed consultation I needed! You guys are fantastic!

    David Already bought

    Hello, David! Thank you so much for such a detailed review! We always rejoice when our product helps in solving people’s problems! We wish you excellent health and full recovery!

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