Is penis size important? WHAT IS THE PENIS SIZE FOR BOYS




Is my body normal? (Boys)


Read the full fact sheet
  • Boys’ bodies come in all shapes and sizes – there is no ‘normal’.
  • Puberty for boys can start at any age between 10 and 16.
  • Many different changes will happen to your body during puberty, and it is easy to feel self-conscious. Try not to compare yourself with others.
  • The best thing you can do is look after yourself, and stay healthy.
  • If you are having a difficult time with your body image or self-esteem, talk to someone – a friend or family member, your doctor or a counselling service such as Kids Helpline. There are many places you can get help.

On this page

  • Physical growth for boys
  • Enlargement of the testicles and scrotum
  • Pubic and body hair
  • Penis growth and appearance
  • Voice change
  • Wet dreams
  • Involuntary erections
  • Breast enlargement
  • Body odour and sweat
  • Acne
  • Muscle development
  • Body image
  • Dealing with body image issues
  • Where to get help

Boys’ bodies come in all shapes and sizes. As you get older, and go through puberty, you become more aware of your body and how it compares with others.

How you see yourself, how you feel about the way you look, and how you think others see you is known as your body image. It is common to wonder whether your body is normal as you go through puberty, but comparing yourself too closely with others can be stressful and unrealistic. Boys’ bodies come in all shapes and sizes – there is no ‘normal’.

It is good to know what changes to look out for, but remember that every boy’s experience will be different. Puberty for boys usually starts around 13–14 years, but it can begin as early as 10 or as late as 16. 

The best things you can do are:

  • Be educated and informed, so you know what to expect.
  • Take care of your body, so you stay healthy and strong.

Physical growth for boys

At some point during puberty, you will grow in height more rapidly than at any other time in your life. Boys can grow around 10cm in 12 months. So, over a period of three to four years, you may get 30 to 40cm taller and 15 to 20kg heavier.

Your hands and feet grow first, which can cause you to look a bit awkward until the arms and legs catch up. Your feet grow fastest between the ages of 6 and 12 years – about 1cm a year on average. 

Next, your shoulders will widen and your torso will lengthen. The bones in your face will grow too, which can make you look different.

Video Uncle Pat talks about Penis Size

Growth slows down after puberty finishes, and most boys grow only another 2 to 5cm.

Enlargement of the testicles and scrotum

Your testicles and scrotum can nearly double in size around the start of puberty. It is often the first sign that you are changing from a boy to a man.

As the testicles grow, the scrotum skin darkens, enlarges, thins, hangs down from the body and becomes dotted with tiny bumps (hair follicles). In most boys, one testicle hangs lower than the other – it’s often the left one but it can be either. Your testicles make testosterone, which is the main sex hormone that men have, and they start to make lots of it during puberty. 

Pubic and body hair

Once the testosterone starts charging around your body, the next changes of puberty can come quickly. Usually, a few light-coloured hairs appear at the base of your penis. This is pubic hair, which soon turns darker, curlier and coarser. Over the next few years, these dark hairs will cover the area around your genitals and spread towards your thighs. You will probably also get a thin line of hair that travels up to your belly button.  About two years after you first get pubic hair, you will start to see hair growing on your face, legs, arms, underarms and, lastly, chest. 

Body hair where you don't want it

Hair can sprout anywhere, including on your shoulders and back, and this is completely normal. It doesn’t bother some boys; but others don’t like it. 

If it bothers you, there are things you can do. You can shave it off, or you can use hair removal creams available from pharmacies. If you use creams, read the directions carefully before applying them, because sometimes they can burn your skin.

Penis growth and appearance

Boys spend a lot of time worrying about the size of their penis. It is common for them to inspect it regularly, and compare themselves with other boys. 

Your penis will grow in length first, and then in width. The rate of growth varies widely. Some boys have adult-sized genitals when they are 13 years old, but other boys don’t have fully developed genitals until they are 18 years old.

Penises come in all shapes and sizes. The size of your penis when it is relaxed isn't linked to how big it will be when it is erect. Penis size also makes no difference to how well your penis works during sex.
Penises can also look different, especially if you are circumcised. At birth, most boys have a sleeve of skin (foreskin) covering the end of their penis. Some parents choose to have this foreskin removed – this process is known as circumcision. During a circumcision the foreskin is cut away, exposing the head of the penis.

Circumcision can be done a few days after birth, at several months of age, or even later in life. Parents do, or don’t, circumcise their sons for many reasons. Better Health Channel has more information on circumcision.

Voice change

Before puberty, your voice box is small and your vocal cords are short and thin. That's why a boy’s voice is higher than an adult male voice. 

During puberty, testosterone makes your voice box grow, and your vocal cords get longer and thicker, which makes your voice deeper. While this is happening, your voice may ‘crack’ or ‘break’. This can be annoying, but it's normal and usually lasts only a few months. Once your voice box is finished growing, your voice won't make strange noises anymore.

Everyone’s voice changes at different stages and at different rates. Some boys’ voices change when they are younger, and some when they are older. Some voices drop gradually, and others drop quickly.

Some boys also develop an ‘Adam’s apple’ – a lump about half way down the front of your neck. This is just your voice box, which changes angle as it grows.

Wet dreams

It is natural for boys to wake up in the morning to find sticky, damp areas in their pyjama pants and sheets. These ‘wet dreams’ are from an ejaculation that occurs during sleep. They do not mean that you had a sexual dream. 

You will need to resort to very strange forms of sexual intercourse so that both partners enjoy using this type of condom.

Wet dreams happen to all boys, and they are just part of growing up.

Involuntary erections

It can be embarrassing when you are caught with your penis standing at attention unexpectedly, particularly in a public place with other people around. But these spontaneous erections are completely normal and happen to all boys during puberty. 

Erections can happen anywhere and anytime. And they can happen for any reason, or for no reason at all. You can have one without touching your penis or having sexual thoughts. 

Involuntary erections are just a sign that your body is maturing, and they will happen less often as you get older.

Breast enlargement

Don’t worry if you have some breast growth during the early years of puberty. Many boys find their breasts swell at this time, up to several centimetres. You might feel a lump under one or both nipples. Your breasts might also feel tender sometimes.

Breast growth in boys usually settles down after a year or two, but the important thing to know is that there is nothing wrong with you. 

Body odour and sweat

Some boys see body odour (BO) as a sign of manhood, and cannot wait to smell! Once puberty starts, you will not have to wait long. Glands in your armpits start secreting sweat early during puberty. The sweat itself does not smell – the odour comes from bacteria on the skin that break down the sweat into acids. You can use an antiperspirant or a deodorant to deal with body odour. An antiperspirant reduces the amount of sweat that reaches the skin’s surface. A deodorant reduces the amount of bacteria on the skin that causes the odour. Antiperspirants and deodorants work for most people but not everyone. Your doctor can help you with other options.

If you develop a rash from using an antiperspirant, you might be allergic to aluminium. There are antiperspirants available that do not use aluminium, so try one of those instead.

It may also help to wear natural fabrics, such as cotton and linen, or clothes made of fabrics that wick moisture and dry faster, such as polyester blends. They will help you avoid body odour and will not show underarm sweat stains as much. 

You might find your feet sweat more during puberty too, which can cause foot odour. Try to avoid shoes made of man-made materials. Don’t wear the same shoes every day, so they have a chance to dry completely between wears.


Acne  – which refers to whiteheads, blackheads and pimples – is caused by hormones and blocked pores in the skin. Some boys will get a lot of acne, and some will not get much at all.

If you have a problem with acne, try cleansing your skin with a gentle non-soap cleanser. Over-the-counter acne treatment products that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid can also help. Try to use sunscreens and facial products that are labelled as ‘oil-free’ or ‘non-comedogenic’. 

If these products do not help with your acne, don’t worry, there is more you can do. You can visit your doctor and they can refer you to a dermatologist, who can help you find a treatment.

Muscle development

Many boys are keen to get some muscle definition as they grow. But you need to be patient, because muscles don’t grow until later in puberty, when your body produces more testosterone. 

Until then, lifting weights can help you build strength, but not muscle. If you like to work out with weights, do more repetitions of lighter weights rather than trying to lift heavy weights. Over-lifting can damage your growth plates, which control the length and shape of your bones. Injuries to these growth plates can negatively affect your growth. 

Remember that there is no ‘right’ way for your body to look. Focus on building a strong, healthy body, rather than growing your muscles in a particular way, to look a certain way. 

Body image

With all the changes you go through with puberty, it can be easy to become self-conscious and uncomfortable with your body. It’s natural to want to look good and feel confident in your own skin. As you go through puberty and see your body changing, how you look and how you compare with others can become important to you. It’s normal to think about body image, but try not to let it get you down.

Some people worry about how they look because they want to fit in. The media can make the pressure worse by constantly showing images of the ‘perfect’ or ideal body. But most media images have been altered by lighting effects, camera techniques and computer software. The flawless faces and bodies they show are false and unrealistic.

Remember, there is no perfect body.

Friends, peers and family can also add to your body insecurities. They usually mean well, but sometimes a small comment about how you look can hurt.

It is important to remember you can control some things about your physical appearance – for example, you can keep your hair and body clean – but not other things – like how tall you are, or the colour of your eyes.

The best thing you can do is look after yourself and stay healthy. You will look and feel your best when you get enough sleep and exercise, and eat healthily.

It can also help to remember all the great things that your body can do. They might include playing the drums, singing in a choir, doing martial arts, going bushwalking or riding a skateboard. 

Involving yourself in activities can also help you meet like-minded people. Try to hang out with people who have healthy attitudes towards their bodies, and who do not spend their time criticising themselves or others.

Dealing with body image issues

If you are struggling with issues to do with your body or self-esteem, it will help to talk to someone you can trust – perhaps a family member or friend, or your doctor. 

Even if you are not having a difficult time, it’s important to see your doctor from time to time to talk about how things are going. Try to have a general check-up with your doctor at least once a year, particularly while you are going through puberty.




Can I ask a question? How much water should be in the hydropump during a procedure? My flask is almost full. What affects the amount of water? How many times a set do I need to press on the vacuum? The thing is that I got a full pump of water and began to vacuum. I felt like my penis filled with blood, and then it weakens. Do I need to increase the pressure again? Thanks.

Paul Already bought

The pump should be completely full of water. Yes, of course, you need to increase the pressure. It weakens because your penis expands. Compress the corrugation, and the pressure will increase.


Hello! I’ve been using a pump for seven months. I have hydromax-30. When I first started, my penis was 16 cm, according to the scale. Now it’s 17.5, but it gets to 18 sometimes. I noticed about 0.5 cm of growth every two weeks. For the last month, it has stopped growing. 1. Could it be possible that I’ve reached my limit? Or maybe I pressed the corrugation too hard? Does it matter if I press the pump 3 or 6 times? 2. Or maybe I simply need the larger size, like the 40th model?

Fred Already bought

Good day! We recommend that you add jelqing exercises to your training sessions. If there aren’t any traumas, swelling, and erecting is great during sex, then you’re doing everything correctly. Add the jelqing exercises, and you will see the additional changes. You shouldn’t change the pump yet. The decrease in growth is normal. The body’s resources are restricted, but we are sure that you haven’t used yours up yet. It’s normal to get used to the loads. Thanks for your message. Right us back when you have any questions.


Hello, after using the Bathmate, my skin expands a lot under the bridle. It’s swelling up a lot more than the penis itself. Is it normal? It seems so swollen!

Mike Already bought

Reduce the number of sets or vacuum pressure to avoid such swelling. If you’re overusing the pump, take a few days of rest and when you begin again, take shorter sessions.


Hi guys! Does anyone have two pump versions, the regular one, and the xtreme? Is there any difference between them? Also, my penis doesn’t want to grow much in length. I only added 2 cm, but my diameter has increased a lot. Condoms roll back tighter, plus the insert by the end of the session is a little tight. According to the manufacturer's recommendations, I must get the x7. Right now, with a maximum pressing, its 17.5 cm, but it’s a bit too tight. Is it time to get the x9?

Arthur Already bought

I want to share my experience, and maybe it will be useful for somebody. The essence of active growth is overcoming. If your penis is 17 cm today, you need to reach 17.2 in the bathtub and don’t leave the tub until you get that! Then you fixate this result for 1-2 weeks. Don’t exit your bathroom until you get that 17.2. Then you will start noticing that 17.2 is getting too easy. You’re reaching this number in a first set. Next time do it until you’re 17.3-17.4 cm. That is how we grow. Also, check your hormones. If your testosterone is low, you can start taking Omnadren or Sustanon. They are substitutes for testosterone. Next, check your pump. If you can afford it, get the Xtreme. If you can’t, do the following: pump with a Hydromax to the edge (this advice isn’t for the beginners), then while you’re in the bathtub, push your pelvis forward. Your penis will lengthen a bit, press on the Hydromax, and you will be able to let some more water out of it, fixating this penis length. Pull your pelvis backward (to a normal position), and you will feel true vacuum! )) You can tilt the pump and stretch the ligament. Tilt ahead of you. Pull the pump away from yourself. Anyway, it’s a fight for the extra millimeters. It’s training. You don’t just put on the pump, yawn, and you’re done. Yes, it will still grow if you’re in a passive mode, but mine grew for 2 cm, and then the growing stopped! I started coming up with ideas, and the ice started moving! Good luck to you all!

Alex Already bought

Alex, thank you for your advice! You’re a true professional!


How many times a week, and for how long should I use the pump?


Hello! Intensive training: 15 minutes a day, 3 sets at 5 minutes each, 5 days a week, during a 6 week period. The result may be up to 30% of volume and length as a whole. It depends on the individual specialties of the body. Maintaining training: 2-3 times a week with three sets at 5 minutes each. With regular training, you will get 2-3 cm of growth within a year. This result is permanent.


I decided to leave feedback about the hydropumps because I see that users aren’t very active at posting reviews. Maybe someone will reply with their experience and techniques in the use of hydropumps. So, I have two pumps: Hydromax 7 and Xtreme 9. In February, I purchased the Hydromax, and one week later, I knew that it was getting too small in diameter. I guess I underestimated my measurements. I like the result, so I decided to get a larger and more powerful pump. Now I only pump with the Xtreme 9. In a matter of six months, I have the following results: 1. I added 2.5 cm to my length right after I started using the pump. 2. If I stop using the pump for 2-3 days, I keep about 1.5 cm that was added. I am hoping that it will continue to grow as it does now. I understand that at some point, the growing process will slow down, but I sure don’t want to slow down. Theoretically, I saw some very big enlargements by pumps over the internet, so I am hoping that in a year or two, I will be getting the xtreme 11.

Omar Already bought

I purchased a pump to solve my manhood problems. I’m warning you - it’s going to be a long story. I have prostates for over 1.5 years now. I caught a cold once and started peeing a lot. My urination flow got weak, and the bladder wouldn’t get empty. I had to strain myself, but it still felt like I didn’t finish urinating. Plus, in about 3-4 months, I started experiencing slight pain during urination, and my erection got weaker. I am only 31 years old, you guys! I went to see the urologist twice. He didn’t find any viruses or infections. It’s just those darn consequences of a cold (by the way, take good care of yourself and train your body to cold temperatures). Pills, suppositories (Prostatilen, Polioksidoniy), and sessions with a magnet didn’t help. When I came in for the second time, the doctor prescribed the same thing, and I knew that it wasn’t going to help me. By the way, my doctor didn’t recommend a pump. I did some research over the internet and read that hydropump is the best device for treating male problems and other issues. Also, I learned that it increases the size and volume of the penis. I wouldn’t say I needed that, but why not? ) Anyway, I was researching for a long time, and then I found a post about a hydropump. It wasn’t an advertisement but an actual post, describing which hydropump is better. They said that Hydromax hydropump was the best. I found this website – they are the official suppliers. It took me a while to find them. Anyway, I don’t think it’s too expensive (there are many options on the website), plus this hydropump lasts for many years. It recovers my health, that’s all I have to say. RESULTS: It’s been 6 days since I started using it (I use it every day). I noticed the effect after the first session! It felt as if stagnation started to go away. I stopped running to the restroom so often, my urination flow became stronger, and I began to empty my bladder. And the pain is gone! The results are unreal! I mean, I’ve been suffering for 1.5 years, and I just started using the pump! I understand that results will get even better the more I use it! Plus, my penis will get more substantial, and my overall male health will improve! Anyway, thanks for reading till the end! I am so grateful to this company and especially Mary, who were so kind in providing detailed consultation I needed! You guys are fantastic!

David Already bought

Hello, David! Thank you so much for such a detailed review! We always rejoice when our product helps in solving people’s problems! We wish you excellent health and full recovery!

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