As humiliating as it is but we have to compare the original product with the fake imitations which are all over the internet and various stores.
We feel that it's our duty to let you know that you can get disappointed having purchased a cheap copy, never knowing the real effect of using the original Bathmate.
There are a large number of imitations on the market. More than that, sometimes we find imitations of fakes themselves. This variety and mass distribution of "fake" products pursue only one goal - the thirst for profit. We are not talking about the quality of the product or the effect from its use since it's not the initial purpose of creating such garbage, which is why the scammers disregard these parameters, attracting its clients with a cheap price while using the copy-rights and texts from the Bathmate creator and its dealers.
Bathmate advantages over fakes:
1. Quality materials vs "junk";
2. Declared discharge instead of its absence;
3. Pronounced effect instead of disappointment;
4. Commitment to quality instead of buying garbage.
The tank of the Bathmate hydropump is made out of Lexan.
Lexan is the registered trading mark of SABIC Innovative Plastics firm. High-strength polycarbonate resin, replaces glass where strength considerations prevail over cost considerations.
Absolutely all Bathmate fakes are made out of clear plastic, Plexiglas and other cheap and toxic materials, having low strength and distinctive pungent smell. | |
Advantages of Lexan material:
High rigidity;
High impact strength;
Strength when heated;
Suitability for repeated sterilization with boiling water and steam;
High light transmittance.
Examples of Lexan material use: this material is used in making elite windows, airplane illuminators, bulletproof panels, boats, home electronics (iBook, iPod).
In USA, the Lexan lenses, due to their high impact resistance, comparing to CR-39, in obligatory order, are prescribed to the minors as well as adults, leading an active lifestyle, and athletes.
With Bathmate hydropump, you will not get a chemical burn or penis trauma due to brittleness, fragility or unreliability of construction and material.The Bathmate is extremely durable and it will never darken with time, tarnish, dry up, or chip.
Disadvantages of cheap materials:
High brittleness and fragility:
Periodically, we receive complaints over the email that the customer received a fake from some store. Often, fake products arrive with cracks, because they do not withstand loads during transportation.
There are situations when during the first use of the hydropump, the spring of the valve breaks through the thrust pad and ends up inside the flask.In almost all cases, there are problems with the valves, because they do not hold the vacuum.The fake can be easily crushed with a foot and it breaks when falls down. Theoretically, due to the weak walls of the container, during the rarefaction, the fake can crack and "collapse", injuring the penis, but that's in theory, since the fake pump cannot create such large vacuum pressure.
Springs fakes are made of materials prone to corrosion.The rubber of fakes isn't able to create a normal spring force, it tears easily, does not adhere properly to the flask, detaches from the flask during the contact with hot water, because of the thermal expansion and poor technical characteristics.
The high toxicity of materials.
The Bathmate hydropumps are made exclusively in Great Britain. In China, South Korea and other countries there are no factories allegedly operating under the license (such misinformation is found on forums and several websites). All models produced in any countries except the Great Britain are considered counterfeit. The original pumps always go through the quality testing on stands, on the working pressure and on the quality of the assembly. Each hydropump has its unique number, its personal PID.
One video-blogger regularly shows the external difference between the original Bathmate and fakes. Externally, products are look-alike but with careful observation, there is a big difference in the quality of materials and assembly. Everything is different: materials, casting quality of materials, quality of knot connection, the use of regular paint instead of special waterproof scale-stickers.In the review, the "Hercules" hydropump is compared to its copy but all series of Bathmate are subject to counterfeit and the qualitative difference is identical with any fakes.
Before the release of each series of hydropumps, the calculations of device, tests on stands and volunteers were made.
All pumps correspond to the specified technical parameters, are leveled to the required design pressure.
The sylphon-pumps, the tank, and the valves were checked and tested for the wear resistance and working pressure.
The measuring scale is made so well that it won't come off or rub off even after a thousand training sessions.
The elasticity and softness of the thrust ring are based on the calculation of low skin injury, as well as stability on the sylphon-pump.
During the exploitation of Bathmate, the thrust ring doesn't "disperse", doesn't get squeezed out. It tightly holds the working pressure, which cannot be said about the fakes.
The sylphon-pump creates the required pressure in the penis; it does not imitate it.
All the materials are absolutely hypoallergenic and have gone through all the clinical testing in the "Aspen" clinic.
The Bathmate hydropumps, all series and models, overcome all the fake hydropumps by the working pressure, pressure holding time, comfort in use, safety, quality of material, quality of hydropump assembly and other technical characteristics.
4. We appreciate each client!!
We try to maximally open the topic of penis enlargement on our website and during consultations when needed. We are always open to dialogue, suggestions, and requests. We help the client as much as it is possible for us.
We always want to leave the best impression of us and any positive feedback for us is worth its weight in gold.
People are used to the fact that most promotions and gifts are a scam.
There are many examples, starting from the mobile phone promotions and ending with the lotteries. But we are not like that. Our promotions and gifts are absolutely real!
Even wholesale buyers receive gifts from us. Sometimes it is candy and sometimes a precious item.
We are friends with our clients and it's our credo, our style of existence as an organization. We know perfectly well that the future lies in human relations and open cooperation.
Do the sellers of counterfeit appreciate their clients after the sale?
The seller of counterfeit is interested only in the sale, and it's a one time-sale, usually. On the question of the ethics of selling counterfeit, the answer – it's a business!
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